FREE Online Switching Off At Night Seminar

FREE Online Switching Off At Night Seminar

6:00pm 25th May 2022
This event has passed
Changing Ways, switching off at night seminar
Changing Ways, switching off at night seminar
Shelf Havening techniques
Shelf Havening techniques
Changing Ways, change your mind and keep the change
Changing Ways, change your mind and keep the change

In 2022 Karyn Chalk, Changing Ways,  is offering free "Switching Off At Night" seminars to help you unplug, calm dawn and get a great nights sleep.  These neuroscience strategies include Havening Techniques to calm and soothe the brain, building inner strengths and creating quality sleep routines. 

Click here to register:

. Overview of the 60 minute seminar

  • We will start by looking at why sleep is so important to our health and wellbeing.
  • You will be introduced to one of the post powerful parts of the brain called the amygdala, often responsible for worry and overthinking at night.
  • From there you will be introduced to Havening Techniques, which allow your brain to calm down and wind down at the end of the day.
  • We will look at more soothing and sleep inducing strategies for your amygdala based on utilising the power of positive neuroplasticity.
  • And to round off we will look at some additional neuroscience hacks, additional resources and further assistance available.

Who would benefit from this seminar? 

  • Anyone experiencing difficulties calming down their brain before bed.
  • Anyone who finds it hard to get to sleep or waking up in the middle of night.
  • Anyone interested in having better dreams at night and waking up feeling more content in the morning.

To reserve your place click here or email


Click here to read what Margie thought of the Switching Off At Night Seminar

About the speaker, Karyn Chalk

Karyn's  interest in building resilient landscapes through brain care strategies resulted from experiencing chronic workplace burnout in 2017. After taking time off and re-entering another workplace a couple of years later she found her ability to manage stress was compromised and her self-care took kit was not fit for purpose. On her brain wellness journey Karyn learnt tools and strategies from world leaders qualified in neuroscience, trauma and resilience.

Karyn is a brain health coach and trainer.  She has masterfully combined her theoretical knowledge, life experience and practical coaching toolbox to create outstanding results in helping her clients recover from burnout, fatigue and anxiety. She has a natural ability to reach the heart of a wide range of problems in a relaxed, pragmatic and friendly way.


  • Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner
  • Certified Brain Health Trainer, Amen Clinics
  • Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner
  • Transforming Communication Instructor
  • Dip Teaching
  • BCApSci, Human Nutrition
  • Grad Dip Business Studies, Dispute Resolution

 Contact Karyn Chalk today to register